Magenta is created by mixing red and blue, whereas cyan is made by mixing green and blue. When red and green are combined, for example, you get yellow. Combining different combinations, on the other hand, will produce distinct colours. You can make an absolute white by combining 100 percent red, green, and blue. This refers to the process of combining colours to obtain lighter shades. The RGB colour model is an additive colour model with a light component. Most digital images, such as those on your computer screen or in your digital camera, are created using these fundamental hues. RGB (Red, Green, and Blue) is Red, Green, and Blue.

The RGB Color Model (Red, Green, and Blue) Because this dimension is often called brightness, the HSV color model is sometimes called HSB. A color with 0% brightness is pure black, while a color with 100% brightness has no black mixed. Value controls the brightness of the color.A color with 100% saturation will be the purest color possible, while 0% saturation yields grayscale.

HSV to Hex converter is an online tool to convert your HSV color codes to RGB color format. All you have to do is select your color to generate Hex.